Update: Title reveal and Kindle pre-order

Some day, you guys are going to figure one of out the secret clues I leave. Yes, that was a clue, too. I believe in you. Anyway…

Huzzah! We’re happy to reveal the title and synopsis for Book 4 of the Trouble: Girl Detective mystery series.


(real cover to be revealed closer to launch)


Jenny Valentine is public enemy no. 1 Just wait till she gets off house arrest

After a bloody class trip to Europe, and new evidence that puts her inheritance in jeopardy, your girl Trouble is out of money, out of friends, and out of second chances. When a shocking new heirloom clue falls at her feet, Jenny finds herself sleuthing solo in a hostile environment, searching for the connection between murdered father RJ Valentine, a seedy video game arcade on the wrong side of town, and her late mother’s misanthropic youth.

Will retracing mom’s retro footsteps uncover the key to the Stranger’s identity? Or could this latest mystery find the world’s greatest Girl Detective in too deep, without a single ally left to pull her out?

Game On, Trouble is available for pre-order on Kindle now. Pre-order today and get 25% off! Paperback and Hardcover versions will be available to purchase the day of release: October 1, 2024.